Mark Rothko / Untitled, 1949 (Yellow, Brown, and Green) painting Sep 23 Written By Dahrell Williams Mark Rothko / Untitled, 1949 (Yellow, Brown, and Green) Pigmented hide glue and oil on canvas206.7 x 168.6 cm (81 3/8 x 66 3/8 in.)National Gallery of Art Mark Rothkoyellow Dahrell Williams
Mark Rothko / Untitled, 1949 (Yellow, Brown, and Green) painting Sep 23 Written By Dahrell Williams Mark Rothko / Untitled, 1949 (Yellow, Brown, and Green) Pigmented hide glue and oil on canvas206.7 x 168.6 cm (81 3/8 x 66 3/8 in.)National Gallery of Art Mark Rothkoyellow Dahrell Williams