James Turrell / Virga installation Mar 12 Written By Dahrell Williams James Turrell / Virga 1974Natural and fluorescent lightSite-specific dimensions; room: 147 x 175 3/16 x 371 1/4 inches (373.4 x 445 x 943 cm); skylight: 2 cuts, each 176 x 11 13/16 inches (447 x 30 cm) whitelightjames turell Dahrell Williams
James Turrell / Virga installation Mar 12 Written By Dahrell Williams James Turrell / Virga 1974Natural and fluorescent lightSite-specific dimensions; room: 147 x 175 3/16 x 371 1/4 inches (373.4 x 445 x 943 cm); skylight: 2 cuts, each 176 x 11 13/16 inches (447 x 30 cm) whitelightjames turell Dahrell Williams